DEMOday – Learn From the Subject Matter Experts at Nutrien!

Remo Virtual Event
February 3, 2022 (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (CST)
Event Details

As part of SIMSA’s partnership with the IMII, Nutrien has offered to participate in an event on several of the DEMOday 2022 needs on the afternoon of February 3rd.

We are recommending that those interested in the following join us:

1:00 to 1:45 pm -- Underground

  • Technologies/instrumentation which would allow the potash industry to better characterize rock mass deformation over time (e.g., Fibre optic sensing, micro-seismic, or other technologies)
  • Technologies which would allow the potash industry to “see forward” 10 to 100 metres in front of the mining machine without drilling to improve safety (e.g., Ground penetrating radar or other technologies)

2:00 – 2:45 – Dust and Air Emissions

  • Technologies which would allow the potash industry to contain/eliminate area dust in the potash drying process
  • The development or demonstration of a non-amine dedust agent or collector for the potash sector
  • The development or demonstration of air emission abatement equipment that minimizes water and energy inputs for either the potash or uranium sectors

2:00 – 3:45 -- Instrumentation

  • Technologies which would automate core chemistry analysis (of solids and/or brine micro-fluidics) underground to inform mill processing and/or underground potash layer geology
  • The development or demonstration of a suitable online particle size analyzer for potash slurry
  • The development or demonstration of a dry solids flowmeter for potash

Please note - while Nutrien SMEs will speak to these from their perspectives, the needs listed are of interest to other companies in the potash and/or uranium sectors.

This event will be run via Remo virtual conference platform (same platform used for the December 2021 Mining Supply Chain Forum).  We will send out the event link and instructions on how to navigate Remo on January 31st.


Additional Information
Event Contact:
Keri Jacek Beebe
Contact Organization:
Saskatchewan Industrial & Mining Suppliers Association | SIMSA
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