Registration and breakfast will begin at 7:30 am, presentation begins at 8:00 am. Lunch will also be provided.
A half-day Seminar that helps to explain today’s reality for First Nations and Metis people.
With the growing importance of engaging Aboriginal businesses and employees in Saskatchewan, many companies are looking for resources and information about these communities. This course answers some historical questions that explain today’s reality for First Nations and Metis people. Make sure you attend … interesting, informative and entertaining.
– Introductions and goal setting
– Economic impact of Aboriginal People in Saskatchewan
– Terminology, demographics and socioeconomic issues
– Treaties and the Indian Act in context
– Metis history and current issues
– Myths and opportunities: residential schools, taxation, land claims and education.
The seminar will include role play, case studies, and quizzes for an entertaining, engaging and practical seminar that will give your team the edge in Aboriginal relations.
7:30 am – Registration, continental breakfast
8:00 a.m. – Seminar and presentation
Noon – Lunch
1:00 pm – Close
Aboriginal Awareness Seminar Facilitators
John and Winston have 36 combined years of facilitating experience. Seminar attendees can expect a
relaxed environment where you will feel comfortable discussing Aboriginal issues that are relevant to
you personally and professionally. Participants learn about Saskatchewan’s Aboriginal people through
interactive games, quizzes and the use of humour which creates a fantastic educational experience.
John Lagimodiere, ACS Aboriginal Consulting Services
John Lagimodiere is the President/Owner of ACS. He has been facilitating and hosting Aboriginal awareness seminars since 1998. ACS also publishes Eagle Feather News, a Saskatchewan Aboriginal news magazine.
John has a Sociology degree from University of Saskatchewan with a minor in Native Studies.
He has facilitated Aboriginal awareness training for clients such as SaskTel, SaskHousing, Saskatoon Police Service, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, PotashCorp, Crown Investment Corp and the University of Saskatchewan.
John is a member of the Métis Nation- Saskatchewan, CUMFI Local #165.
ACS Aboriginal Consulting Services P: 306-978-8118 ~ E: John@eaglefeathernews.com
Winston McLean, Iron Wolf Consulting
Winston McLean, president of Iron Wolf Consulting, has over 20 years of experience in First Nation development. Hailing from the James Smith Cree Nation, he is a fifth generation descendant of First Nation leaders that signed Treaty 6, at Fort Carlton in 1876.
Mr. McLean studied Philosophy at the University of Saskatchewan, with minors in Political Studies and Native Studies. He helped negotiate the 1992 Treaty Land Entitlement agreement and has expertise in lands and resources, organizational renewal, policy development and analysis, justice, economic development and international affairs. Winston has led crosscultural training for many Saskatchewan communities and facilitated awareness training for the Saskatoon Police Service, FirstSask Credit Union, Crown Investment Corp, PotashCorp and De Beers Canada.
Iron Wolf Consulting P 306-227-3084 ~ E: ironwolfconsulting@shaw.ca